on a full moon night there were 3 kids named Morgan Aj and Bryson they were walking through a dark dark dark forest. how much more time until we get to the elemental shrine said bryson 10 more seconds said morgan when they got there morgan used his water sword to slice through the door then inside they found giant evil warrior then morgan said elemental swords GO aj and bryson pulled out there elemental swords then together with the power of the ancient swords they created a hero with a energy sword bryson with a fire sword aj with a thunder sword and the strange hero with a energy sword and morgan with a water sword. the evil warrior put bryson and aj to sleep morgan and the cloaked hero cut through the spell the cloaked hero slashed through the evil warrior but the evil warrior tricked the cloaked hero then the evil warrior defeated the cloaked hero then the strange hero had the cloak off the hero was link link what are you doing here but he was knocked out then morgan looked at the evil warrior the evil warrior said it is over morgan you should give up but then morgan blasted a stream of water from his sword to put the evil warrior in a water cage then bryson and aj woke up and link Became conscious what happened bryson said my true power said morgan
CHAPTER 2 links true power
morgan said good bye to link link was calling Epona link was riding epona and then link was in hyrule after that morgan grabed a elemental orb of wisdom aj graced a stick and Bryson ate a turkey sandwich after that they got separated so morgan explored the forest he ran right into link then link turned completely light link slashed morgan he stated morgans head but right at that time morgan doged it that is what happens when you try to defeat a human raised by a greninja after that morgan with his hands made a water shuriken out of thin air and shot it at link but link deflected it with a TRIFORCE sheild then link just noticed that it was morgan! linkwent up to morgan and said are you ok? morgan replied How did you create a TRIFORCE shield said morgan wait its just your true power said morgan.realy said link yep said morgan.oh AWESOME said link.
chapter 3 brysons GIRL friend!!!!!!
bryson was walking through a path when he saw a woman with long hair and a nice face the woman said hello and bryson was floating with hearts coming out of his head the woman was gone before bryson even noticed then aj appeared bryson has a girlfriend bryson has a girlfriend said aj do not bryson said totally lying I’m gonna text morgan said aj morgan recived the message morgan replied LOL so funny morgan created a portal to bryson and aj. why didn’t you do that earlier said aj because i did not know you were alive said Morgan. the woman apeared again then aj fell in love with the woman then bryson said pretty face you have good hair. aj said you have beautifull hair will you go on a date with me. then the woman was gone. morgan said what is with you and aj about this woman. sahe is pretty that is why. no she is not she is just a huge mass of darkness morgan turned around and his jaw dropped morgan saw a darkness sword he ran there and pulled it out the darkness sword can defeat any thing in 1 slice then lord gannon appeared gannon why have you come here demon king .to crush you hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha.
chapter 4 a fight with ganon
morgan called somebody named KO. KO apeared gannon i will deafeat you KO used a power fist it did nothin KO fainted then morgan slashed gannon with his darkness sword it did nothin morgan grabed a stick and threw it at gannon gannon fainted and floated away.then that wompeared and kissed bryson and aj then bryson and aj was on the womans team. then the woman kissed morgan it had no effect then the woman created a steel sword and slashed it morgan countered it with the shadow sword the steel sword broke morgan said never fight a master swordsmen with a sword i am not evil said the woman the three kids morgan bryson and aj were shoked i just wanted to fight somebody said the woman. morgan said k then KO apeared he said what is the problem jooooooooke said morgan got it said ko he disappeared.
chapter 5 bad boo. once again they are lost then a ghost apeared then a boy steped out of the ghost it was quin! quin what are you doing here. i just got here in this strange world then morgan said me bryson and aj are on a quest to meet lunala X
quest hahaha what a joke i am not joking qut infact i will show you lunala X’s sword pasted down from the heros of darkness! morgan pulled out the darkness sword from his scabard the sword glowed !!!!! OH MY LUNALA X IS NEARBY said morgan. wait wait wait you did not tell me we were going on a quest for lunala x you only said we would eat froyo every time we ate. well i lied. hey morgan there is a sogalaeo behind you! QUIN get your plasma scythe NOW [quin got his scythe] bryson and aj put on banana suits and they drinked from milk cartons! quin dance toward me said morgan waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? just do it quin danced toward morgan morgan just stood there then when quin reached morgan they turned into one Morgan/quin used there weapons morgan slashed a dark beam at sogalaeo he got dizzy then
qut hit sogalaeo sogalaeofainted then quin and morgan separated finally my body said quin! you were always in your body qut its called fusion it is when 2 gems or more come together and turn into 1 or 1 gem can fuse with a human
once again morgan is travelling suddenly a wild greninja apeared morgan throws a pokeball froakie apeared bryson said are you gonna catch a greninja with a froakie that is the final evolution of froakie your never gonna catch greninja
YOU Caught THE GRENINJ-MMMPH take that bob i can mute you said Morgan then morgan saw it the chicken burger of the ages you can buy the ingredients at walmart morgan took a bite of the chicken burger of ages and then Morgan went back in time
morgan was walking through a strange forest a chill ran down his spine - that never happened said morgan YES IT DID I AM THE NARATOR wateves then a undentfied object stabbed morgan but morgan swiftly did a backflip#epic then morgan saw who it was it was cony with steven hey morgan i thought you were a gem mutant said steven it’s ok said morgan so where are we and when are we 1010100101010100101010101010101010101001010101001010100010101011010101011100100101010010101111100000000000111010101010101`0101001010101001011-01100110010101001010101010101010101010101010101010010101001010100101010010101010010110101100101010101010010101010101001010001010101010010200110010100101010101011010101010100101100101011101010100101010101010110011000010101010101010100100001010010101010101010101001010101011010011001010110101000101010101010101010010100001100101100101011010th1010101010101010101010010101010010101011011010101010101001010101010100101010101010101010101010010101010010101010110010100101010101010101010101010010110100101010101001010100110011001010101010-10101-1011010101011010010110010101001010100101010101010010101001001010011001010100101010101001-`01-`0-1001010100100101000101010101010101101010101010110101001001010100101010101001-10101010010010101010000101101100101010101001010101101010101010001100101000101010110110100101010100101011001010101010100110010101010010101001001010010101111010100101001010010101011010q010101010010101010110o00100101010010101010010110`000`0`0`00010110010010101010010010101010101010010100011001
just kidding that is binary code i know DIAGALA IS DIRECTLY BEHIND YOU yeah right like we gonna fall for that uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu hehehey Diagala